About Us

Gain unlimited access to extensively researched study material with Prober Application. We've combined questions and answers from All-India level examinations to generate an unlimited supply of revision tests and detailed analytical reports of the exams all available now in Gujarati. This one-stop application is the perfect package for any student who wishes to appear for the 11th and 12th Mathematics and Science subjects, and for NEET and JEE entrance examinations.

Prober generates smart analytical reports that will help identify the individual's strengths and weaknesses in each subject and topic. As the first online education application available now in Gujarati, Prober is the ideal study partner.

Why Prober


With Prober Application now also available in Gujarati, students can take a sigh of relief. With no longer having to find and download hundreds of question papers from untrusted sources, students can focus entirely on exam preparations. Furthermore will save the cost of buying expensive Gujarati translated books and also take the Go Green initiative.

Gain access to unlimited revision resources. We've carried out extensive research for you and your child's preparation. With one download, you can access an unlimited question and answers bank and unlimited revision tests. Each question paper set by you is uniquely made for your individual progress and allows you to customize as many question papers you want.

Stay up-to-date with your child's performance. With our detailed analytics feature, after each examination attempted students can track their performance throughout the months. Students can use this feature to upgrade their revision timetable to cover all the missing links. Revise the entire syllabus with precise, clear and realistic questions and correct answers provided in Prober Application.

benefit benefit


Practice Test

Custom Test

Features in App


Detailed Analytic Approach

Students can Identify individual strengths and weaknesses with one-click reports subject wise chapter wise. Use the detailed analysis to track individual cumulative growth.



Extensive Gujarati study material made to simplify topics which are difficult to understand in English. The study notes are translated according to local dialect, and include minimalistic translational errors.


Extensive Study Material

Vast study material which has been researched, checked and simplified to help Students to have access to all subjects, topics and questions they will need for the choice of their Examination selected in NEET or JEE.


Exam Paper

Generate customized exam papers focused entirely on completed topics. Choose questions from an unlimited question bank to keep yourself abreast and on your toes for the final examination.


Research & Vast Range of Question Answer

Attempt All India-level question sets with MCQ previously asked in exams. Prober Application contains a wide range of MCQs covering all essential aspects of each individual subject that are ideal for NEET and JEE preparations.



Polish examination strategy with time-management mock papers and attempting all India question sets, in addition to study material infused from other books written by high standard Professors Authors & Publishers.


Power yourself with the most powerful learning engine launched now in India for Your Jee & Neet examinations in Gujarati & English.

Download from PLAY STORE

Pricing Plan

What is Included ?

See the list of Features that are included in these packages:


All Materials now available in English    & Gujarati.


Vast Question Bank with 1 Lakh+   Questions including PYQs


'My Class' Feature Absolutely FREE


AI-Powered Performance Analytics



And Much More!

What is Included ?

See the list of Features that are included in these packages:


All Materials now available in English   & Gujarati.


Vast Question Bank with 1 Lakh+   Questions including PYQs


'My Class' Feature Absolutely FREE


AI-Powered Performance Analytics



And Much More!

3 Months

Save up to 30%

₹ 699 ₹ 999

Including GST

₹ 233/Per Month

6 Months

Save up to 40%

₹ 899 ₹ 1499

Including GST

₹ 150/Per Month

12 Months

Save up to 45%

₹ 1099 ₹ 1999

Including GST

₹ 91/Per Month

24 Months

Save up to 63%

₹ 1299 ₹ 3499

Including GST

₹ 54/Per Month

For more details download the App

What Our Customer are Saying

Find the Answers to Anything

Prober application is a user-friendly, intuitive interface which is now also available in Gujarati for better understanding of the study concepts for NEET & JEE examination. Simply select the plan you want for yourself and complete the payment process. You will gain access to unlimited educational resources for their 11th, 12th, NEET and JEE without any more hassle!

Prober application is India's first online education software built specifically for NEET and JEE, and is made available now in Gujarati for better understanding in native language. With Prober, you get unlimited question papers, educational resources and practice tests so you can ace an All India Examination.

Prober application has multiple features that make it stand out from the competition:

  • Detailed systematic analysis reports after each examination conducted.
  • Customizable mock-test papers.
  • Unlimited educational resources for 11th, 12th, NEET and JEE examination preparation.
  • Regional language option in Gujarati language.

The detailed analysis feature will allow students to monitor their individual strengths, weaknesses and progress. This can be used to generate subject, topic-specific mock-tests that will help the child overcome their shortcomings. The Prober application's regional language feature in Gujarati will ensure your child can understand all the subjects in Gujarati as well.

Prober's unique detailed analysis feature will ensure you can view your individual learning process at every turn to determine your progress. Your progress can be viewed regularly or as soon as you have completed a mock test. The report will detail the scores you receive in each paper and explain which topics you are finding difficult. The application will also provide corrective answers and details of how and where you stand subject wise. This can help students devise a revision strategy to overcome these difficulties. Using these, you can plan the next phase of their revision.

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